Monday, December 21, 2009

How it began...

Two years ago, I got a wild hair and decided to sign up for a half marathon. I recruited a couple of friends to run with me, downloaded a training program from the Internet and laced up my shoes. I had not a clue what I was in for. But, it turned out that I loved the whole training process...marking off the days, having a goal, feeling myself get stronger and stronger. I was focused and challenged. I remember a moment around mile six during the race where it really hit me that I was actually doing it...I was actually running a half marathon. I'd set a goal and I was achieving it! It was an emotional moment for me...I was not the same person who started the race anymore...I was somehow more. I was so incredibly proud of myself when I crossed the finish line, I felt like I could fly (if it weren't for the general exhaustion and sore muscles)!

I loved the whole process so much, I signed up for another half marathon with the same friends last year. Injuries and wedding planning kept my friends and I from training together for most of the 12 weeks. Unexpectedly, I found myself going it alone. But, I was determined to finsih what I'd started. I was determined to not only finish the half marathon, but to better my time. It was during those long solo runs that I really figured out what was inside me, what keeps me going, where to find my strength reserves. I developed lots of positive self-talk, found some fun new routes, and built in some speed training. I dropped nearly 20 minutes from my first half-marathon time! And, I felt stronger and less tired that my first race. Again, I defied my self-imposed limits and soared past them! It was an incredible feeling!

So, what's a Grubby Girl to do next? A full marathon!

In the afterglow of my half-marathon personal victory, I decided a full marathon was next. I figured I have at least one good marathon in me, so I looked around for a good marathon to do. If I was going to do one in my lifetime, I was going to go big! I finally narrowed it down to Big Sur or Napa...Napa had wine, but you couldn't use your, Big Sur!

This blog will follow my progress as I train for and run my first (and likely only) marathon.

D-Day: April 25, 2010...three days before my 37th birthday! See you at the finish line!

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