Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Switch

With my first official week of training under my belt, I realized something...I think I might be one of those people who needs a goal. I am a pretty self-motivated person, and will go out for a walk or a run just about every day, just to move my body. But, something happened last week...a switch got turned on. I went from "oh, maybe I'll go out for a quick run," to "I am in training now, I have to get my run in." Twenty degree weather? No matter, I must run. Would rather lay on the couch? No way, I'm in training. Not feeling super great? I'll feel better after a run. Icy roads? It'll be good training and the crisp air will feel good...I wonder how many other things in my life are like much more focused I'd be if I set a concrete goal. For now, I'm focused on Big Sur. And, no thanks on that second glass of wine...I'm in training.


  1. Good for you, Kristen! This is very inspiring for all the couch potatoes out there (including me, unfortunately, being obsessed with knitting doesn't burn many calories or get the heart rate up). I know it's been a while. I hope you had a great xmas and wishing you all blessings in this new year. Let's get together soon...when you don't have a training run:)

  2. Great start, Kristen! I'm also running Big Sur, so I look forward to following your progress. I'm a little behind in my blog updates, but you can follow me at if you like.

    Happy running,
